Holiday Programs

“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”
– Harold Abelson –

Here are just some examples of Holiday Programs offered by Block Crafters

Minecraft Modding

Game Design



Are your kids passionate about Minecraft? Why not embrace their passion by allowing them to discover a skill that could open up a world of opportunities!

Kids will learn to create modifications using Minecraft. They will empower themselves and their Minecraft characters.

Using our Holiday Program as a base, they will get to go home afterwards and imagine then create their own amazing Mods. Block Crafters will help your kids turn their mod ideas into reality!
All major game developers started somewhere, even with very small projects before being successful. This is a great way to gain exposure and learning about the hidden world of game creation, which in itself is fun!

Technology is common in every household and is a source of entertainment for many kids.

Our Game Design, holiday program will introduce and enable kids to become creators and not just consumers of technology. We will focus on planning, design, with computational thinking and fun.
Enter the world of Arduino. With programmable Arduino boards and add on accessories, such as sensor modules, LEDs, servos and more. Generally used as a prototyping platform, this open source design allows children and even grown ups to tinker easily with electronics.

During this holiday program for Arduino, we will introduce the platform to children and show them how to get started and understand how far they can go, while having fun of course.

Children will create and tinker with Arduino and it’s coding to discover it’s many possibilities!
Python is a powerful programming language used by Large Organisations such as; Google, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, CERN, NASA even REDDIT.

Ever Since 2003, Python has consistently been ranking in the top ten most popular programming languages. We use Python by itself and we use it to manipulate Minecraft Worlds during Holiday Programs and Club too.

Kids who attended our Python sessions really felt Empowered!